Monday, March 15, 2010

Home Plants

I always enjoyed planting plants in and around my home in my native in India. I loved watching it grow each day. Especially when the plant shows a rare bud, the happiness is just boundless. Sometimes, some plants used to die on its own or fewer times someone must have destroyed it unintentionally. It happened with me so many times and I used to feel so bad about it. Inspite of everything when you happen to see the flower from your plant in which you have given your heart to, that moment is just priceless. Its really worth a wait for the bloom.

Gardening is a wonderful activity for those who are in love with it. No other activity could come close to it for the amount of joy you get everytime you see a flower or fruit or vegetable out of it. Its like seeing your own kids grow up in front of your eyes. Although my home here has very little area for plants unlike my native place, I still have very good collection of indoor plants. My love for plants grows here too and thanks to all the potted plants.

Since the Spring has already begun and adding fewer more to the plant collection would be an apt time now. Checked in some plant stores and bought some good ones this weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent there by seeing all the collections in each stores. Each store has some unique collections of plants and shrubs. Now my collection has few Tulips, Red Gerbera, Arthurian flower, Orange Hibiscus and few more plants.

In one particular store we saw a particular plant seed named 'Bleeding heart'! The picture of the flower on the seed bag showed us why its been called like that. The outstanding characteristic of bleeding hearts is no doubt the shape of the flowers. As the plants common name suggests bleeding hearts bear heart-shaped flowers, from which a little "drop of blood" dangles at the bottom! Googled it and collected few more information about the plant and I am going to get its seeds very soon. Absolutely loved its pictures on the internet. Its one of God's finest creation!

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