Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Orion constellation

This is the exact name for the three stars in a row which is very bright and easily visible through our eyes in the night sky. I always loved these three stars from my childhood. I used to admire it so much and always felt myself much attracted to these three stars. I really don't know the reason for that admiration. Sometimes it happens in life that you fall in love with someone or something without any reason.

I have fallen in love with these three stars so much so I named them as 'I Love You Stars'! For so many years I felt that there is someone out there in these stars giving me love. And there are innumerable nights I felt that I saw my Mom in it and I whispered I love you to her. For there is a deep connection with it, I sometimes looked up in the sky and find myself talking to it! And I always felt very romantic to show them to my loved ones. I honestly believe that these three stars hold so much life and love for me.

I always felt them to be so cute and told several people about it. For those of you out there I hope you remember me showing these stars thousand times. I came to know about its exact name very lately. And I stand corrected!

But for me it will always be my very own sweet 'I Love You Stars!' And all the sweet things follows with it!

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